
The Gandel Holocaust Knowledge and Awareness in Australia Survey was Australia’s first comprehensive, national survey that determined the average knowledge an Australian has on the Holocaust.

The survey’s results revealed that 66% of Australians strongly believe that it should be compulsory for schools to teach about the Holocaust.

In the Australian Curriculum (as of 2022), Holocaust Education is not taught until Year 10, and only covers the basic facts.

Read the report here:

Access on this page useful, informative websites of world-renowned Holocaust Museums, podcasts, films and books to help you gain valuable knowledge on the Holocaust.

Photo: Yad Vashem - World Holocaust Remembrance Centre

Information leads to Education

Resources that are accessible any time, because education doesn’t end when you leave the classroom.

Be a witness.

Yad Vashem - World Holocaust Remembrance Center

“Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center located in Jerusalem, is the ultimate source for Holocaust education, documentation and research providing meaningful education.”

Sydney Jewish Museum

“Gives history a voice through collecting and preserving historic objects, commemorating and educating, with a mission to challenge visitors’ perceptions of morality, social justice, democracy and human rights.”

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

“A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity”

Not Just a Survivor - A portrait of my Mother

By Rochy Miller

Rochy Miller - a great friend of our Suspend Judgement program - details in her book ‘Not Just a Survivor - A portrait of my Mother her mother’s experience of the Holocaust, as a person and not a number.

Rochy’s words resonate deeply with readers, changing their perception of how they see the world, while gaining an insight into an unimaginable true story of the survival of a remarkable woman against all odds.


Ariel Burger - Be a Blessing

On Being with Krista Tippett - 18th February 2021

‘There is a question rolling around even in the most secular of corners: What do religious people and traditions have to teach as we do the work ahead of repairing, renewing, and remaking our societies, our life together?’

Recognising the Choices and Gifts in our lives

Unlocking Us with Brené Brown - 24th February 2021

‘Dr. Eger is a Holocaust survivor who has dedicated her career to helping us understand trauma, anger, resilience, and the power of choosing how we see ourselves and how we resist the labels that people put on us.’

Accidental Witness

12 Years That Shook the World USHMM - March 2021

‘While visiting Vienna, Austria with her family in March 1938, American Helen Baker finds herself caught up in a pivotal moment. She watches as the Nazis move in and annex Austria. Then, she steps into the story, herself. Featuring historian Dr. Rebecca Erbelding.’

Confronting Hatred 70 years after the Holocaust

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

‘This hour-long special, run by the USHMM airing on public radio stations across the country, brings together a broad range of voices to talk about racism, antisemitism, and the ways in which hatred can grow.’

The Perpetrators of the Holocaust: Consequences at a distance

On the Holocaust: a Yad Vashem Podcast - February 2021

‘The Holocaust was not done alone. Such large-scale murder, required a massive apparatus staffed by hundreds of thousands of state administrative and security personnel. How could so many seemingly “ordinary” people knowingly take part in such crimes?’